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Help Abused Horses-Tucson, AZ, Equine Voices 2012/11/17

Posted by greyhoundsrule in Devastating Accident, Fundraising.
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Kachina is a victim of abuse. Her owner decided to punish Kachina when she would not load in the trailer.

He and his 13 year old daughter chained Kachina behind their truck and decided to drag her into the desert and leave her to die, but not before they beat her, while lying on the ground, chained, with a PVC pipe.

A concerned citizen witnessed the dragging and contacted 911. Thankfully they quickly responded, however, the officer had to draw his weapon in order to make them stop the beating. The owner was arrested and charged with animal cruelty, however, was found NOT guilty. His daughter, due to her age, didn’t go to court.

Today, Kachina lives at the sanctuary with our mascot Gulliver and the herd, and educated the public about abuse and what we can do to stop this horrible cycle. She assists in raising the level of consciousness for ALL living things.

There are so many sad horses stories here and Kachina is among the lucky ones.

There are many ways you can help Equine Voices:

You can sponsor a horse.

You can join the Gulliver fan club for $10/month.

You can make a donation.

You can make purchases on Amazon.com and a portion of your purchase will benefit Equine Voices or buy something from Gulliver’s wish list.

You can buy a bracelet or two during the month of December. Bracelets make great holiday gifts because your entire purchase of $20 (per bracelet) benefits the organization. Bracelets are handmade with donated beads. No two bracelets are alike and every bracelet comes with a paw charm.

Please consider buying a bracelet online or at any of these local venues:

–Silver Sea Jewelry & Gifts, 330 N. 4th Avenue, 624-9954
–Clues Unlimited Mystery Book Store, 3146 E. Fort. Lowell Road (SE corner Country Club), 326-8533 (closed Sun/Mon)
–Sissy’s Pet Grooming Salon, 7350 N. La Cholla Blvd (in Albertsons Shopping Center), 229-9898
-A K Jensen Apparel, (St. Philips Plaza), 4280 N. Campbell Ave., Suite 212, 529-2775

If you order online, add $5.50 for S&H. International orders, add $7.50

Tucson Beading Divas sell bracelets for Equine Voices – Nov. 2012 2012/11/01

Posted by greyhoundsrule in Beading Divas to the Rescue, Fundraising.
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A voice for the voiceless

A voice for the voiceless

Tommie has been at Equine Voices for two months and recovering well.

She was a starvation case. She stood day in and day out in a pen, without food and little water while her owner drove past her each day ignoring the fact that this precious animal needed to be fed.

Tommie, like so many others, is a victim of neglect.

Fortunately, a neighbor contacted Equine Voices asking for help. They convinced the owner to release her to us. When we picked her up, it took over two hours to load her in the trailer, but once she knew we wanted to bring her home she jumped right in.

Monthly operating expenses are averaging $25,000.

Because of the economy, donations are at their all time low and their expenses are at their all time high.

Equine Voices Rescue and Sanctuary is a 501 c3 organization located in Southern Arizona. Equine Voices rescues Premarin (PMU) mares and foals from slaughter as well as working to end the senseless slaughter of horses for overseas markets where horse meat is considered a delicacy. At Equine Voices horses are nursed back to health, some are adopted or some live the rest of their lives at this beautiful sanctuary where they are well cared for by many volunteers.

Please consider making a donation to Equine Voices directly or buying a bracelet or three. It’s never too early to start thinking about holiday gifts as retails stores already are displaying decorations.

Bracelets are one of a kind made with donated beads. They only cost $20 and are talk of the town. Every bracelet comes with a paw charm to commemorate what the Beading Divas to the Rescue do — raise much needed funds for animal charities.

Please consider buying a bracelet online or at any of these local venues:

–Silver Sea Jewelry & Gifts, 330 N. 4th Avenue, 624-9954
–Clues Unlimited Mystery Book Store, 3146 E. Fort. Lowell Road (SE corner Country Club), 326-8533 (closed Sun/Mon)
–Sissy’s Pet Grooming Salon, 7350 N. La Cholla Blvd (in Albertsons Shopping Center), 229-9898
-A K Jensen Apparel, (St. Philips Plaza), 4280 N. Campbell Ave., Suite 212, 529-2775

If you order online, add $5.50 for S&H. International orders, add $7.50